
10 most trending, remote and rewarding jobs that can be taken up by individuals on hemodialysis

In India, the population of young individuals on hemodialysis is far more than that in western countries. The economic burden is huge and most patients especially from rural background are not able to afford the treatment. Hemodialysis is required during end stage kidney disease, when the kidneys are not able to purify blood and as a result toxins begin to accumulate in the body.

This treatment is usually carried out two/ three times a week and it lasts for 4 hours. As this treatment is time consuming, many individuals on hemodialysis end up losing on working days. If hemodialysis session is scheduled during the working hours, the patient ends up losing on those working hours. Hence, retaining such individuals may become a challenge for the employers too. Under such circumstances, the treatment may seem demotivating to individuals who are motivated to work, but cannot meet the expectations due to unsuitable health conditions.

To clear such woos, we have enlisted some simple and innovative career options that can be accomplished from home. The below mentioned 10 jobs are as per the latest market trends, engaging, motivating as well as rewarding. Several options may require some amount of training/ learning in the beginning but everything is possible with help of online courses. The only factor is one should be willing to make best use of time on non-dialysis days. These jobs do not involve any emergency situations neither are they physically strenuous for dialysis patients.

1. Video editing
2. Graphic designing
3. Jewellery designing
4. Mental math/ vedic math tutor
5. Abacus tutor
6. Accountant and tax consultant
7. Data entry operator
8. Numerology
9. Taro card reading
10. Astrology

The above options are as per the latest market trends. They are convenient and at the same time not compelling. They can be comfortably carried out at home and do not demand too much time and physical effort. This leaves a room for self care for patients on hemodialysis.

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If you have any queries related to kidney diet, feel free to post them here . We shall revert back on them soon

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