
Have pre-diabetes?: add these 6 flours to your multicereal league

Pre-diabetes is referred to as the state when your blood sugars are higher (Hba1c: 5.7-6.4%) from the normal range but not as high to be declared as diabetic range. In simple words, it is the period before the stage of diabetes. It is an indication that you should be watchful and take measures to lower your blood sugar within the next 6 months. Your diabetes dietitian can certainly help you achieve that.

If you are diagnosed with pre-diabetes and if you are looking forward to make some healthy swaps in your daily routine, we recommend starting with basic items like your flours. It is a well known fact that addition of millets can offer a plethora of health benefits including better digestion, better absorption, lesser allergies, improved blood sugar control, etc. hence our diabetes dietitian recommends use of millets. To know more about healthy snacks for pre-diabetes or newly detected diabetes, click here

Herewith are top 7 flours/ powders that you should add to your whole wheat flour to make multicereal chapatis/ rotis. Before heading towards the flours, it is important to note that you may you may use 40%-60% proportion of addition i.e. 40% whole wheat flour and 60% remaining flours that are given below:

1. Roasted rolled oats flour

Rolled oats are bigger, thicker and fuller as compared to instant oats. Instant oats are thin and light in weight. The glycemic index of instant oats is higher than that of rolled oats. Glycemic Index is the measurement of ability of a food ingredient to raise the blood sugar, 2 hours after its consumption. It is vital that individuals with pre-diabetes select foods with a lower glycemix index. The proportion of rolled oats flour should be 20% to make multicereal flour

NOTE: it is important to roast the rolled oats before grinding it

2. Barley (jav) flour/ Sorghum (jowar) flour

Barley locally known as jav is low in glycemix index and is versatile when mixed with wheat flour. Jowar flour too can be used as a substitute of barley flour. While using jowar flour, remember to knead the dough with warm water. Any 1 of the 2 option i.e. barley flour or jowar can be used, they may also be used in rotation. They may be used in 20% proportion

3. Defatted soya flour/ chana flour (besan)

The role of proteins in lowering blood sugar cannot be underestimated especially for individuals with pre-diabetes. Addition of good quality proteins like soya proteins helps in lowering weight as well as blood sugar. If not defatted soya flour, then you may add chana flour (besan). Its proportion should be 15% of the multicereal flour

4. Roasted flaxseeds powder

Flaxseeds provide healthy fats (omega 3 fatty acids) and incorporating healthy fats too can help in long run to manage pre-diabetes. Flaxseeds should be roasted and then added, proportion should be 2%

5. Psyllium husk

Psyllium husk is a extremely beneficial ingredient as it is a rich source of dietary fibre. Its proportion should be 2%

6. Methi seeds

Methi seeds are known to lower blood sugars and can be added as powder to whole wheat flour. Its proportion should be 1%

Few more pro tips that can be used to make flour:

  1. You may knead the flour with dal/ moong water instead of plain water to add simple proteins. This water can be used to make parathas/ masala rotis/ theplas
  2. Add green leafy vegetables like raddish leaves/ methi leaves/ cabbage leaves to make vegetable parathas/ vegetable theplas
  3. You may grease rotis/ chapatis/ parathas with canola oil/ ricebran oil/ a blend of oils

At NutriKonnect, we have one-to-one diet consultation sessions with a comprehensive follow up. You can avail our advance or premium session if you need innvovative recipes for kidney disease. For tasty and healthy diabetes – friendly brunch recipes, sign up for our recipe course here.

To avail diabetes friendly sweets and desserts along with healthy high protein, low fat brunch recipes, you can avail recipe course by clicking here

If you have any queries related to kidney diet, feel free to post them here . We shall revert back on them soon

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